'Twas brillig, and Lennart Poettering at 21/05/12 17:37 did gyre and gimble:
> On Wed, 16.05.12 12:07, Colin Guthrie (gm...@colin.guthr.ie) wrote:
>> I thought that the actual end point of the symlink was not all that
>> important...
>> e.g. if I have:
>> /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service
>> /etc/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service
>> /etc/lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/getty@tty1.service ->
>> /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service
>> I thought that the unit file /etc/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service was
>> still the one used. i.e. the symlink is merely indicative of whether the
>> service is enabled or not, and the actual physical file that it points
>> to is not relevant.
> This is not correct. The destination is important. The algorithm works
> like this: we traverse the chain of symlinks and add all their names as
> alias names to the unit and load the final unit file as source and use
> its name as "main" name of the unit file.
> (OK, it's a bit more complicated, since when there is a non-instaniated
> unit name in one of the symlink/filenames we implicitly instantiate it
> as necessary)

This logic would suggest that I cannot override any units that are
enabled statically via a .wants symlink in /lib/... tree. Is that
correct? (or does your comment above only apply to template unit names?)

>> i.e. The .wants symlink only really states "I'm enabled as an instance
>> of getty@.service" and then the normal inheritance rules of
>> getty@.service resolution apply *after* that, i.e. getty@.service in
>> /etc/... overrides the one in /lib/...
> When looking for a unit file we first look for the instance, and follow
> the symlinks there, and if that was not sucessful we look for the
> template doing the same.

Hmmm, so what happens if I have:

/etc/.../x.target.wants/foo@bar.service -> /lib/.../foo@.service
/etc/.../x.target.wants/foo@baz.service -> /etc/.../foo@.service

Which foo@.service unit is actually used? Will there be two distinct
units loaded in memory and each instantiation uses the right one?

Or will they both get the /etc one? Or maybe both get the /lib one? Or
maybe it's random?

Can you maybe also comment on Michal's reply in this thread too where he
comments that he considers this behaviour a bug? It would be nice if you
could agree on how things should work :)



Colin Guthrie

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