On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 02:19:17PM +0100, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Fri, 26.10.12 05:58, Daniel Wallace (danielwall...@gtmanfred.com) wrote:
> Heya,
> I must say I am a bit concerned about this, and not sure we should
> really merge this. I mean, I applaud your work, but I wonder if this
> is stuff that really belongs in systemd proper.
> In general we try to follow the rule of including the bits and pieces
> in systemd where one can make a good case that it is likely that the
> biggest chunk of people will end up using this anayway, and where it
> makes sense to maintain this in lockstep with systemd. This is why we
> merged the bash completion stuff, and the python bindings: it's most
> likely more setups that will use these bits, than that won't.

ultimately, it's your decision, but in this case I think that the
benefits outweigh the costs. This is just one file, self-contained,
and fairly easy to maintain. And keeping it in tree will make it
easier to keep up to date.


> Now, when we merged the Python bindings we tried to make clear that
> we'd only grant Python this special privilege, and not Lua or PHP,
> since Python is kinda in the position like no other scripting
> language in that is very widely accepted, as a clear perspective for
> the future, is relatively complete and frequently used in system-level
> code.
> Aside from that I actually regularly hack Python myself, and hence can
> maintain this stuff myself if I need to. Similar, I also frequently
> write Bash scripts, and hence can maintain the bash completion logic
> (even though I admittedly would have to read up on the completion
> stuff quite a bit before I could get hacking...)
> Now, looking at all of this I am a bit conservative about the zsh
> completion stuff. I have no doubt that this will be useful for many
> people, the same way I really applaud the PHP and Lua bindings, but I
> am not convinced that systemd itself is the place this should live in.
> Hence: can I convince you to maybe maintain this outside of systemd?
> Maybe propose for inclusion in zsh upstream? Or put it up on github?
> (in the latter case: we maintain a list of related packages on the
> systemd homepage which lists the PHP/Lua/Javascript bindings, so
> please add it there!)
> I hope this makes some sens, even if it is disappointing.
> Lennart
> -- 
> Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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