On 02/01/13 12:15, Andrey Borzenkov wrote:
В Wed, 02 Jan 2013 12:01:41 +0000
John Lane <syst...@jelmail.com> пишет:


I have a configuration where a filesystem is mounted on /images.

Then a subdirectory of that filesystem, say /images/1, is bind mounted
on top as /images.

Prior to moving to systemd, this kind of thing has always worked fine
with /etc/fstab containing something like this:

# images uuid 8847d358-c4f6-4405-a65c-e0c514151f8e is on /dev/sda1
UUID=8847d358-c4f6-4405-a65c-e0c514151f8e /images ext3 defaults 0 1

# Bind mount current images on /images
#/images/1354 /images none rw,bind 0 0

With systemd, systemd-fstab-generator complains about the second use of
the /images mount point:

Jan 02 08:31:58 neon systemd-fstab-generator[79]: Failed to create unit
file /run/systemd/generator/images.mount: File exists
Jan 02 08:31:58 neon systemd[1]:
/usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-fstab-generator exited with
exit status 1.

How should this situation be handled with systemd ?

Mount first time somewhere else? Like /image_archive? And bind
mount /image_archive/1354 to /images?

I realise I can work around the problem (that's what I am doing right now) but I want the mounts to be done in that way (one over the other).

As such an /etc/fstab worked fine before systemd it would be good if it continued to work with systemd.

I think the problem is how systemd names the generated mount units. If there is a clash, could it not use a modified name for the unit (e.g if /run/systemd/generator/images.mount exists it would create /run/systemd/generator/images-1.mount or something like that) ?

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