> > foobar@.service and foobar@.service.d/myinstance.conf
> > foobar@.service and foobar@myinstance.service.d/myinstance.conf
This would be possible, if somebody implements it.

> > which don't work so I guess this isn't implemented. If so, would something
> > like that be a reasonable request to be considered ?
> >
> > I was thinking...
> > foobar@.service
> > foobar@.service.d/myfirstinstance.conf
> > foobar@.service.d/mysecondinstance.conf
The idea is that different sources (rpms, administrator, whatever)
provide snippets that are then merged. So there's no central "registration"
of snippet names, and the namespace cannot be reused for instances.

> > where the relevant .conf would be selected based on the instance name.
> >
> > I was also wondering why the need for a separate sub-directory when there's
> > only one file inside it. Could a file like "foobar.service.conf" be
> > considered as an alternative  (and, perhaps, foo...@myinstance.service.conf)
There can be multiple files.

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