On 06/05/13 15:36, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Le 06/05/2013 11:27, Colin Guthrie a écrit :
>> Also, It is my understanding (and feel free to correct me here) but
>> nfs-idmap is often needed on client systems also? I'm sure I had to
>> configure a client in the past to ensure idmap was running in order to
>> avoid permissions problems and users getting mapped to the 65k uid that
>> means "nobody.
>> I had to force this by setting NEEDS_IDMAP=yes in the old sysconfig file
>> /etc/sysconfig/nfs-common (I'm pretty sure we had the same sysvinit
>> setup as Fedora in the past).
> We didn't :)
> I stole the nfs-common sysvinit script from Debian, to hide the complexity of 
> the gazillion different daemons needed.  AFAIK, Fedora always used 
> single-executable-services.
> And indeed idmapd is needed both sides for NFSv4.
This is no longer the case on the client. The kernel now calls the 
nfsidmap(5) command to do the idmapping, which is the reason 
rpc.idmapd is only started on the server side. 

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