On 05/07/2013 10:53 AM, Colin Guthrie wrote:
'Twas brillig, and Lennart Poettering at 07/05/13 01:41 did gyre and gimble:
This is probably a good release to synchronize a distribution on. For
example, it is our goal that this is the version we will include in
Fedora 19, more or less.

You said that about 195 and then promptly shipped newer versions in
Fedora there after

In Lennart's defense: He was telling the truth as he saw it at that time. As Jóhann noted correctly, I maintain the systemd package in released Fedora branches. The decision to ignore Lennart's suggestion and rebase systemd to v197 shortly after F18 release was mine.

My reason for choosing to rebase instead of cherry-picking was that none of the changes between v195 and v197 looked too scary and I wanted to have some of the new features. The few changes that brought incompatibilities could be easily backed out selectively.

The rebase was a success. The update met with positive feedback.

There's going to be another rebase in F18:

The backed-out changes are listed in a %doc file shipped in the package:

In earlier Fedora releases rebasing systemd would have been a lot more difficult:
 - The journal arrived upstream soon after the version in F16.
 - The udev merge happened after the version in F17.
These were the major changes that for me ruled out the possibility of rebasing outright.

- ourselves and suse listened to that previous advice
any synchronised on that version for the ease of maintainability, but
that was somewhat scuppered when newer versions showed up in Fedora

Sorry. Well, at least you two have each other :-)

Such is the way of life, but by the sounds of upcoming changes,
it looks like you might genuinely stick with 203  this time :p

Yeah, the coming dbus work will probably scare me sufficiently, so there's a good chance F19 will stay on (now current) v204.


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