On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 07:40:33AM -0400, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
> <zbys...@in.waw.pl> wrote:
> > I haven't really tried anythng like what you describe, but in general
> > both container and container-less approaches should work.
> Thanks for your reply. Yes, I get the sense that "in general, it
> should work". As usual, the devil's in the details...
> In both container and container-less cases...
>  - How do I handle cronjobs?
With systemd .timers and systemd .services activated by those timers. If
you mean "real" cronjobs, I don't know.

>  - How do I tell several services to use the "same" cg?
They can't all use the same cg, because systemd uses groups to group
units. But they can share a slice of resources, by assigning a group
of services to the same systemd .slice. This part is currently in
fast development, but should be usable already.

> Then... if I setup a single chroot and try to launch many containers
> on top of it...
>  - does the "stateless" service work?
In general, systemd is happy to only write to /run, which won't be shared,
so going with an read-only root should work.

>  - how can I "key" stateless writable dirs on a per-container instance?
You can add a template .service which will mount some directory,
let's say /var/lib/container/etc, and make it PartOf the .service
launching the container. IIRC, templated .mount units are not possible
currently, but the same should be achievable with an explicit mount

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