Am 10.12.2013 19:19, schrieb Lennart Poettering:
> That service should be reference counted by the sessions of the users
> logging in. I should hence go away if the users successfully log out
> from their last session.

That sounds like the behaviour I would expect.

> Your screenshot shows the user as "closing". Usually that state is only
> entered if there are processes still around of the user even though the
> user logged out (such as screen). That's at least the theory, but there
> might be some bug left.
> Do you see any session of that user still around when you run into this
> issue?

The screenshot actually has the full output of 'loginctl user-status
$user', which includes all open sessions of the user (in this case,
none). I also verified with 'ps' that all processes by that user are
gone, except the (sd-pam) and systemd process, of course.

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