On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 11:48:56PM +0100, Dominique Michel wrote:
> I need that pc for production, so I rapidly installed another
> distribution without systemd. So this problem is solved for me, but
> that doesn't solve that to force any user to use a default
> configuration without any possibility of user setup, and without
> documentation that can allow an user to do that, is just a design fault.

That sounds like a distro issue, please take this up with your distro
developers, this isn't a systemd issue.

> Again, the point of the cgroups is to be able to adapt the system to
> any kind of workload, and to have systemd that take control of that
> good and flexible system, and at the same time, doesn't provide
> a way for an user to adapt the default configuration to its own need,
> is just a big design bug, which start with Lennart failure to
> take in account the fact that all users are corner cases by
> definition, because all users are doing different kind of works with
> their computers.

That's not the goak of cgroups at all, sorry.

> Today, during a forum discussion on the cgroups, someone gave
> the link above with the different Lennart's statements. I begun to
> understand. Later also today, I finally find some documentation on
> the freedesktop web site. But that's too late, I need this pc for
> production, and I have other things to do than risking a hard disk
> failure because of a freezing system, so I will not reinstall
> Debian. And for that, I didn't even read more of that doc than a few
> lines. I just lost the interest of the good idea that systemd is, that
> because of its catastrophic implementation that can cause so severe
> regression like system freeze, and its almost complete lack of
> documentation. 

I don't think you have looked, systemd is the best documented piece of
software I've ever seen.

> So, don't say me I could have done this or that, that's not my point. My
> major point is GNU/Linux have always been about choices,

That's not true at all, it's never been about choices.

> and the actual systemd implementation and lack of documentation is
> just removing the possibility for the user to choose what he want do
> with the cgroups, which can break the whole system apart when he try
> to do its own cgroup configuration.

If you wish to use your own cgroup configurations, yes, I would suggest
not using systemd.  But please work with the kernel cgroup developers,
as the cgroup interface is going to be changing quite a bit in the

This really has nothing to do with systemd on it's own, sorry.  Please
talk with your distro developers if you are unhappy with their design

best of luck,

greg k-h
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