On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Lennart Poettering
<lenn...@poettering.net> wrote:
> Note that during really early boot the journal is not available yet,
> which means we can only log to kmsg then (and thus the
> console). However, as soon as the journal is available we then start
> logging directly to the journal. This might appear from the outside as
> if only during the first part of the boot output is generated if you
> only look at the console.

The way we're seeing it manifest as freezes for 60 seconds a line in
bootup. After each 60 second timeout, we see a single line of kmsg
output, and then bootup continues until another item gets logged.

> You can use LogTarget=kmsg to redirect output to kmsg unconditionally,
> so that you get everything in kmsg and thus the console.

This seems to have major performance impacts versus logging to the journal.
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