On Thu, 20.03.14 12:49, Cristian Rodríguez (crrodrig...@opensuse.org) wrote:

> The underlying components have not seen any upstream activity
> since 1997 and are not particulary nice either.
> Those interested in computer archeology can explicitly use --enable-tcpwrap

Is suse intending to drop tcpwrap from its core os?

I am all for getting rid of tcpwrap, but just disabling it in
configure.ac by default looks like the wrong option to me...

So far our policy was to enable evertyhing that exists in systemd by
default when you build it with the default options, so that everything
gets at least regularly compile tested, if not actually tested in

So, if this shall stay in systemd, then it should be enabled by
default. The only other option I see is to remove it entirely, but i'd
really like to keep the bigger picture in view there. Or in other words,
if we get rid of it in systemd, we should do so knowing that this is in
sync with what the big distros intend to do in general too.

TO figure out what we can do in Fedora I have now started a discussion
on fedora-devel, about getting rid of tcpwrap system-wide. Let's see
where this goes. Would be interested in feedback about this from other
distros too.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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