On 04/07/2014 11:09 AM, Susant Sahani wrote:
On 04/07/2014 03:13 PM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:

On 04/07/2014 04:35 AM, Susant Sahani wrote:
This will be much nicer if we simply use "ipip" as the kind, rather
than "tunnel".

Done !


I think it got right the first place from a usability perspective as in kind=tunnel then we need to introduce mode= in the associated network file as in
Yes from user perceptive this is nice  but few line code more ;)

I think this is more correct since you are dealing with multiple types of tunnel so the kind= should specify you are using an tunnel and then specify what type of tunnel in either .netdev file itself or .network file

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