On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 6:44 AM, Jay D Bhatt <jay.bh...@igate.com> wrote:
> Hi Mantas,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I tried putting boot options boot options loglevel=6, systemd.log_level=debug

Maybe also systemd.log_target=console? I don't remember if that's needed

> But it got stuck as before. So I added init=/bin/sh to the arguments and 
> removed system.log_level=debug.
> Then I could have the Shell command line but it gave some messages before 
> giving shell command:
> Sh: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
> Sh: no job control in this shell

That's normal when booting with init=/bin/sh.

> I saw that system.log_level=debug does not have any impact here. Also when I 
> gave path of my init file init=/sbin/init, it still hangs as previously. 
> Though my file is present in that path, I don't understand why it does not 
> take it.

Maybe it hangs very early...

0. Make sure you have `strace` installed;
1. Boot with init=/bin/sh;
2. Run exactly this in the shell:
        exec strace -D /sbin/init
3. See where it hangs.

Oh, make sure your kernel has CONFIG_FHANDLE enabled, too.

> I don't have inittab file in /etc/. Is that the reason, since init might not 
> be able to find inittab and gets lost or something.

No; systemd does not use that file. It is configuration for "SysV init" only.

Mantas Mikulėnas <graw...@gmail.com>
systemd-devel mailing list

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