Thanks for explanation, it thread can be closed.

2014-08-18 0:41 GMT+03:00 Dave Reisner <>:
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 12:25:00AM +0300, Timofey Titovets wrote:
>> Good time of day, i just want to ask:
>> Systemd depend on util-linux mount command and in code we call him,
>> may have a sense to import and cleanup code to systemd base, and just
>> call function in systemd, instead of using mount command?
>> But only benefit what i see:
>> it faster, when call external command, but i can miss something
> tl;dr: this simply isn't a good idea, as it would require reimplementing
> a substantial amount of code to retain feature parity.
> systemd already uses mount(2) where it's reasonable: kernel filesystems
> like /sys, /dev, and /proc.
> Some reasons not to do this for all filesystems:
> 1) You have to fork, anyways, because you don't want to call mount(2)
> from PID 1 -- the syscall may not return for a relatively long period of
> time.  During this time, systemd will be entirely non-responsive.
> 2) Mounting filesystems is sometimes complex, and involves an external
> helper, regardless. fuse, cifs, and nfs immediately come to mind, but
> there's others. mount(8) knows how to find and execute these when
> necessary.
> 3) mount(8) takes care of cleaning the option string from /etc/fstab --
> not all options are meant to be passed to the kernel (or the external
> mount helpers), such as any option which starts with "x-" (like
> x-systemd.automount).
> Cheers,
> d

Have a nice day,
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