Hi Lennart,

>> this nl80211 is based on generic netlink, you would need to do a lot
>> to just add simple support for it. Also for all network interfaces
>> that have complex physical devices as base (including Bluetooth) it
>> is never that dead simple.
> Well, sooner or later I figure sd-rtnl will have to learn about
> genetlink anyway...

then your naming for sd-rtnl is pretty much broken right now. RTNL is just one 
instance of network. And Generic Netlink is another instance of netlink. While 
nl80211 is an instance on top of Generic Netlink. Triple the fun. Trust me when 
I say that you do not want to enter the mess that is generic netlink.

>> Maybe it would be useful for systemd-nspawn to add an option to call
>> a binary that takes the PID of the first process in the namespace as
>> first argument. Then you can push additional setup to such a binary.
> Hmm, I am not too enthusiastic about such plugin interfaces I must
> say. If it's just a netlink request we should be able to do this
> natively I figure...

That is the thing. It is not just a netlink request. Essentially you need to 
first resolve nl80211 to its family address, then list the actual wiphy devices 
and only then can you start looking into moving that wiphy device into the 

We are looking into having either network or device namespaces for Bluetooth as 
well. I am not sure you want to add extra magic to all of these different types 
of possible users. That is why I am saying, let the user specify a setup that 
allows to do this clean and do any extra steps.

For me this also includes setting up the simulation environment. And that needs 
a lot of extra work that clearly will not fit into systemd-nspawn.



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