
Bringing up here for discussion as suggested in


Just for the background,  I was checking to see if systemd-detect-virt
supported virtualbox and grepped the man page and concluded it didn't since
I didn't find the term.  I was going to write up a patch to support it but
a recheck in the man page showed support for "oracle" and "microsoft".
Grepping through the source, confirmed this actually means virtualbox and
hyper-v respectively.

Using vendor names like this is pretty confusing.  Not everyone knows that
say virtualbox is owned by Oracle (It was a startup, acquired by Sun which
itself was acquired by Oracle) and worse still, Oracle supports multiple
virtualization technologies included a variant of Xen rebranded as Oracle
VM.   We really should be more specific and call it virtualbox and hyper-v
instead, similar to say virt-what and other similar tools.  I will be happy
write the patches if this makes sense.

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