Hello all,

I hope this is the right place for this inquiry. I was noticing extremely slow reboot times on three of my hosts running corosync/pacemaker for shared storage. I enabled the systemd debug logs, and found that pacemaker was attempting to communicate with it's peers to notify of the shutdown, and failed to do so as networking was not functioning. This was odd because networking was fine during normal operation and the distribution's unit file has the proper "Requires" for networking. Eventually it hit the distro "TimeoutStopSec=30m" and forced the reboot, hence the slow reboot times.

In the debug logs, I found that it was all because I am using teamd (partially related - through ifcfg files using network.service), and teamd was being killed long before pacemaker got the chance to send its closing messages. So, I fixed the problem in my implementation with this little bit:

[root@myhost ~]# cat /etc/systemd/system/pacemaker.service.d/require_teamd.conf

But, soon I will be changing a lot about my networking. I'll be using puppet to deploy a few more teams and bridges on this host. So, my question comes down to - is there a way to accomplish something like this:


to include all running instances? I know this makes no sense in an xinetd-type situation on bootup, when instances will be created on-demand, but it does make perfect sense on a shutdown or reboot to want to wait for all instances of a certain type to complete their work before proceeding.

Thanks for your time,
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