On 06/01/2015 08:36 PM, Matthew Karas wrote:
I am trying to start a dropbear service after my openvpn service starts up.

Description=SSH Per-Connection Server
After=syslog.target dropbearkey.service

But I would like to start up the service after "tun0" interface is
available (made by openvpn).

How do I find out what to put in "Wants" and "After" for tun0?  I
can't seem to find anything related

Also if there is a better way to get dropbear to start after tun0 has
appeared I'm open to doing that as well.  My goal is to have my ssh
server only look at my openvpn address and ignore ssh requests that
are not from the vpn iface.  I'm thinking I can do this with a script
setting up drop bear with the -p option (and looking for my tun0 ip4
address and using it).

Why dont you just configure SSH to only ccept connections from your vpn network either via match address entry or allowusers one leave the unit startup as they are shipped from upstream and or come from your distribution?

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