Hi all;

I've been working with RHEL5/6 for the past several years and have developed 
many init scripts/services which generally use lock files and PID files to 
allow for tracking of the service status. We are moving to RHEL7 (systemd) in 
the near future and I am looking for instruction or tutorials on how to 
effectively migrate these scripts to work with systemd. 

I found https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd#Service_types which seems 
somewhat promising but it is fairly high-level. It looks like I may be able to 
use the 'forking' type with the 'pidfile' parameter to somewhat mimic what the 
scripts to today. However, I have a couple of questions:

-How does systemd track whether it should be stopping a service at shutdown 
(analogous to the /var/lock/subsys files in SysVInit)?
-Are there merits to using the notify or dbus types? If so does anyone know of 
a tutorial I could use to get to that point? (FYI, I'm not a developer but I 
learn complicated things quickly).
-If the current service logs to a custom, dedicated log is there a way to get 
systemd to provide the same type of output that it does for the built-in system 
services or must I make some modifications to integrate with journald?

Thanks ahead of time,
Lesley Kimmel, RHCE
Linux/Unix Systems Engineer
systemd-devel mailing list

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