I was missing one piece of the puzzle. My USB dock station is
Plugable® UD-3900 USB 3.0

I had to install the kernel driver for it, following instructions per
this displaylink forum[0]. Once the .rpm package installed, I could
$ lsmod | grep evdi

evdi                   36864  0
drm_kms_helper        122880  2 evdi,nouveau
drm                   331776  10 ttm,evdi,drm_kms_helper,nouveau

# ll /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/evdi.ko
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 63072  3 sept. 14:29

Now $ loginctl seat-status seat0 returns something more interesting:

                  │ drm:card1

So I guess now I have indeed two cards.

Lets make things clear. The usb dock will be your second seat. I think
the next steps will be enough:

loginctl attach seat1 /sys/devices/platform/evdi.0/drm/card1
loginctl attach seat1 /the path to the usb3 hub

everything you didn't attach with loginctl or with an udev rule will
be part of seat0. So if your nvidia card is for seat0 you don't have
to write a rule for it.


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