On 19 September 2015 at 23:05, Dimitri John Ledkov
<dimitri.j.led...@intel.com> wrote:
> Heya,
> I boot to tty1, and login as my normal user account.
> Session c1, is active and has type tty. And I can access devices which
> are marked as uaccess.
> Then I do $ startxfce4 -> which starts graphical interface. However,
> at that time I "loose" the logind session. No new sessions are
> started, session c1 is "Active=no" & "State=online" and i cannot
> access uaccess devices any more.
> Both startxfce4 and systemd are compiled without policykit support (no
> idea if this matters).
> What I am doing wrong? Should I go talk to xfce4 people?
> My expectation was for a new session c2 to be started and switched to,
> type graphical, online and active. Whilst keeping c1 tty session
> online and in-active.
> Is there something startxfce4 missing to act like a "mini-display-manager"?
> and/or how should it be telling logind that session became graphical
> and/or for c1 session to remain active?

With a bit of help on IRC, I got things going slightly further. Specifically:
- fixed xinitrc to do `exec startxfce4`
- this enabled me to use startx

When using startx, which eventually execs startxfce4, keeps the
existing session active \o/

I've now also noticed that my X is compiled without systemd daemon
support. I'll look into fixing that.


97 sleeps till Christmas

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