Andrei Borzenkov <> wrote on 11/20/2015 09:40:35 AM:
> 20.11.2015 20:08, пишет:
> > I have a script that creates a partition (using pyparted) and then 
> > to format it (using mkfs.ext4). Most of the time this works OK. 
> > sometimes the format fails because it can't find the device. There 
> > to be a race condition due to a delay between creating a partition and 
> > device node in /dev being created.
> > Is there a tool in udev or udevadm that can help my script know when 
> > safe to proceed?
> >
> If you want to be on safe side, the only safe way is probably to listen 
> to kernel or udev events and wait until events for partitions appear.

That what I was thinking, but I'm not super familiar with kernel or udev 
events, so I just wanted to put out a feeler to see if there was something 
that udev already did that I could use. Like "udevadm <something>".
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