On 02/11/2016 04:50 PM, Lennart Poettering wrote:

I just tagged the v229 release of systemd. Enjoy!


         * The coredump collection logic has been reworked: when a coredump is
           collected it is now written to disk, compressed and processed
           (including stacktrace extraction) from a new instantiated service

Is it enough to disable this type service unit to completely disable coredump or will users have to for example set Storage=none in coredump.conf and or other tweaks and if so which ones?

         * A new service setting RuntimeMaxSec= has been added that may be used
           to specify a maximum runtime for a service. If the timeout is hit, 
           service is terminated and put into a failure state.

This does not sound right, why put it into failure state if I as an admin specifically told the the service it could run for maximum X time and then it should stop? ( after that time period the type unit should be stopped cleanly basically systemctl stop foo.service and the state be exactly the same as it yields right ? )

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