AGAIN: learn to write readable communication

* quote waht you refer to
* get rid of html

Am 08.07.2016 um 15:21 schrieb One Infinite Loop:
Why would you create another one? Why are there always people who try to
complicate things?

you try to complicate things since you bring a *third* place besides the unit files and the .d/ directoris in the game

The same way you read and edit your sudoers files, your fstab file, you
will read & edit the .service file that your distro is shipping to you

when you edit the .service file the distro ships you make a big mistake from the very first start

Let's not forget about the manual page that will document the change

that does not change the fact that a *service* for a timer is *by definition* disabled and so it violates the rule of least surprise when the timer-section is executed while the unit is disabled

hence the .service is disbaled and the .timer is enabled
that's logical and understandable

what you propose is a bad design and bad deisn can not be repaired with writing documentations

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