Am 14.08.2016 um 15:20 schrieb Tom Browder:
On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 7:34 AM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
to be honest: did you read *any* documentation or anything about systemd
before your post besides "it exists"?

Yes I did, a tutorial and man systemd. Have you ever looked at the man
page from the view point of a newbie?

surely, in 2011 as i had to convert the whole infrastructure to systemd with Fedora 15 or so i was a newbie too, finally there where way more native systemd-units in /et/systemd/system/ than Fedora itself shipped for years

There are no examples.  There
is no clear explanation of COMMAND from a user stand point (command
line operation), etc.  To be fair, I find most man pages are lacking
in real example of usage.

surely "man systemctl" - well, you need to know that command but it's a liltle bit unfair to criticize that because the knowledge how to start/stop services with sysvinit did also not fall from heacen

And the fact that Debian magically uses systemd even with an init.d
service file is misleading until you look closely at the script.

thats the compatibility layer of systemd where a generator creates a on-the-fly unit at boot - that prevents you from dealing with 2 different ways of stop/start services where you would need to look which type it is

I did go to the systemd home page and got a bit farther, but it still
looks like a painful dig from here (I need a "Systemd for Dummies!")

if you would have spent 10 seconds you have found dozens

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