On Fri, 25.11.16 11:40, Benoit SCHMID (benoit.sch...@unige.ch) wrote:

> Good morning,
> I have set the following service:
> [Unit]
> Description=SAP XXX
> After=autofs.service blk-availability.service local-fs.target
> network-online.target ora_lsnr_XXX.service remote-fs.target
> Wants=ora_lsnr_XXX.service
> [Service]
> EnvironmentFile=/etc/default/sap_XXX
> User=xxxadm
> Group=sapsys
> ExecStart=/sapmnt/XXX/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/unige-startsap
> ExecStop=/sapmnt/XXX/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/unige-stopsap
> Restart=no
> TimeoutStopSec=5min
> TimeoutStartSec=5min
> Type=forking
> WorkingDirectory=/home/xxxadm
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> It works fine.
> If I run systemctl show, it show WorkingDirectory=/home/basadm.
> If I set :
> WorkingDirectory=~
> it does not work any more because the process runs in a wrong directory.
> If I run systemctl show, it does not show the "WorkingDirectory=" line.
> What am I doing wrong, when I set WorkingDirectory=~ ?
> Thanks in advance for your answers.
> PS: # systemctl --version -> systemd 219

IIRC that old systemd version doesn't support this syntax yet.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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