Am 15.02.2017 um 18:53 schrieb Damien Robert:
Lennart Poettering  wrote in message

Sorry, but this is unlikely to be added. I understand that this would be
handy, but this is semantically very questionable, as this would be
transition from privileged code into unprivileged code, and that's
something we can't really have.

Ok, I understand, I'll just parse /run/user/*/systemd to get the active
users (loginctl list-users is not very machine friendly)

systemd is not really a battery manager, use services like upower for
that, which do provide similar hooks.

Fair enough. But I don't really see the point to have a daemon that will
just listen to udev events for power change (udevd does other things which
I do not need). I prefer my solution which calls directly systemd services.

the point is that daemon is desigend to care about that and nothing else and you just need the right hooks - what is the point to fireup a system service for each active user? abuse systemd to do as your inital post proposed would make it a chimere i don't want to run on any of my systems (and i am not a systemd developer)
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