On Fr, 22.09.17 15:21, Andy Pieters (pieters.andy+syst...@gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi all
> Apologies if already covered or not suitable for this mailing list.
> As the title says, does anyone have any ideas on autofsck on hotplugging a
> USB storage device containing jfs.
> Mount always fails if the jfs is dirty, but a single fsck is all that is
> needed to make it mountable again...

You can put something together using the SYSTEMD_WANTS udev property,
and pull in a systemd-fsck@.service instance for your device from

That said, I'd suggest going the other way, and just using
"systemd-mount" instead for mounting the device. It has a couple of
benefits: first of all it will automatically do an fsck before
mounting the device. But secondly it can do autofs mounts, so that the
file system only remains mounted as long as it is accessed, and is
unmounted automatically a short time after the last access
happened. That way you get the biggest chance that the file system
remains clean and should it not be clean is automatically corrected.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
systemd-devel mailing list

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