On Thu, 25 Jan 2018, Thomas Blume wrote:
Suppressing the auto mount when a device (re)appears, is usually desired
during some administrative tasks.
What about lowering the hurdle for administrators by introducing a new
systemctl command?

Maybe something like:

systemctl lock $DEVICE

We could write the name of $DEVICE in some directory below /run/systemd.
An udev rule could parse this directory when an add event for a device
occurres and if $DEVICE matches, it could set SYSTEMD_READY=0.
We would only need to make sure that SYSTEMD_READY gets reset back to 1 at an:

systemctl unlock $DEVICE

That shouldn't be too hard to code either.

Would this be an acceptable approach?

You could just use:

  systemctl --runtime mask path-to-mountpoint.mount

Or even:

  systemctl --runtime mask /path/to/mountpoint

if systemd already has the mount unit loaded. That should prevent the mount unit from being started -- i.e. prevent systemd from mounting the filesystem.

The --runtime option ensures that the mask will go away upon the next reboot, even if the admin forgets to call "systemctl --runtime unmask".
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