Do you know if a restore point can be do as a Window system ?
De : systemd-devel <> de la part de 
Reindl Harald <>
Envoyé : vendredi 12 octobre 2018 10:45
À :
Objet : Re: [systemd-devel] Sudo program broken

Am 12.10.18 um 09:40 schrieb Dorian ROSSE:
> My sudo program is broken how to repair It ?
> Thank you in advance to answer my problem
> Command line « su » answer « authentification Failure » and command line
> « sudo -i » answer « sudo : /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and
> have the setuid bit set »
> when I launch « systemctl status sudo » It answer Loaded : masked and It
> answer Active : inactive (dead) »
> I have too the ssh service answer bad right because private key isn’t hide ☹
> I was change a night right permission which all folder by command line
> chmod 755 * and then I applied chmod 755 */* , … etc but I forgotten the
> ssh folder could has right files hide …

after trying to decrypt your text i understand that you made "chmod -R
755 /", logged out and now about learning the hard way that you have
killed your setup - restore a backup
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