On 02/01/2019 09:59, Olaf van der Spek wrote:
On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 9:54 AM Jérémy Rosen <jeremy.ro...@smile.fr> wrote:
i.e if A Requires B, you would expect failures of B to prevent A from starting.
* This is not the case if B is (randomly) scheduled after A.
* This is the case if B is (randomly) scheduled before A.
This is the race the implicit After= would prevent.
There is no such race as Requires without After doesn't stop A from
starting (as it can't).

>From the docs:
If one of the other units fails to activate, and an ordering
dependency After= on the failing unit is set, this unit will not be
you sure about that ? I mean... that's what the doc says, but that
would mean that requires without after is like Wants+PartOf

that's kinda weird. maybe it's an aritifact from early systemd, but
it sounds kinda inconsistent...

Also it means that if you start A, this will start B

if B fails, A is still started ? I don't think a failure of B schedules a shutdown of A

This whole thing is very confusing...

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