Arseny Maslennikov, for some reason I didn't receive your email.

Anyways, indeed on the server with --user:

$ systemctl --user show -p Delegate run-rcbb44fb2c7774453b18cda8fe03f0f26.scope

But that's just part of the mystery. Locally, what can I do... I can
try and query the scope to which my shell belongs to:

$ systemctl --user show -p Delegate session-2.scope

Or the enclosing slice for the scope on the server (the local slice
that matches the one on the server where the transient scope is

$ systemctl --user show -p Delegate app.slice

Somehow I don't need systemd-run for lxc-start and lxc-attach locally.
Any ideas?

On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 6:07 PM Yuri Kanivetsky
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm experimenting with LXC containers:
> And there's a command I don't fully understand:
> systemd-run --unit=my-unit --user --scope -p "Delegate=yes" --
> lxc-start my-container
> It runs lxc-start in a transient user scope with Delegate=yes, but:
> $ systemctl show -p Delegate run-....scope
> Delegate=no
> That's on an Ubuntu server. Locally on Arch Linux I don't need
> systemd-run, lxc-start just works.
> How can I see the effect of systemd-run, and why systemd-run is not
> needed on Arch Linux?

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