My bad.

I ended up trying it again and it worked as you described after a
machinectl reboot. Maybe that was the issue. networkctl reload/reconfigure
seemed to sometimes behave inconsistently.
Thank you very much for your help and explanations.

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 at 11:46, Andrei Borzenkov <> wrote:

> Please either use reply to all or reply to list. Do not send personal
> replies to public list discussion.
> On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 12:01 PM LunarLambda <>
> wrote:
> >
> > What about the GatewayOnLink= inside the container? Isn't it meant for
> exactly this? Why does ip r ... onlink work but doing it via networkd
> doesn't?
> >
> Not sure. I tested it on openSUSE Tumbleweed with systemd 253.5 and it
> seems to work
> tumbleweed:/run/systemd/network # cat dummy.netdev
> [NetDev]
> Kind=dummy
> Name=dummy0
> MACAddress=none
> tumbleweed:/run/systemd/network # cat
> [Match]
> Name=dummy0
> [Network]
> Address=
> [Route]
> Gateway=
> GatewayOnLink=true
> tumbleweed:/run/systemd/network # ip a
> 5: dummy0: <BROADCAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state
> UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
>     link/ether be:3a:49:74:6b:7a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>     inet scope global dummy0
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>     inet6 fe80::bc3a:49ff:fe74:6b7a/64 scope link
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> tumbleweed:/run/systemd/network # ip r
> default via dev dummy0 proto static onlink
> tumbleweed:/run/systemd/network #
> > The old setup used
> > ip r add 91.x.x.x dev br0 src 37.x.x.x
> >
> > Via commands issued in /etc/network/interfaces.
> >
> > The old route looks like this:
> > 91.x.x.x dev br0 scope link src 37.x.x.x
> >
> > The route created by the network configuration looks like this:
> > 91.x.x.x dev br0 proto static
> >
> > Although I'm not sure this represents a meaningful difference.
> >
> > On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 at 10:29, Andrei Borzenkov <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 10:44 AM LunarLambda <>
> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Hello,
> >> >
> >> > I was recently tasked with moving existing network configuration for
> a machine and some nspawn containers from iupdown to networkd.
> >> >
> >> > The situation looks as follows:
> >> >
> >> > A single VPS has 3 IPs. One 37.x.x.x/22, and two 91.x.x.x/32. The
> 37-ip is to be routed to the main server, whereas the two 91-ips should be
> routed directly to nspawn containers running on the server. The server uses
> systemd 247 and the container uses systemd 252, both Debian.
> >> >
> >> > I created a bridge netdev like so:
> >> >
> >> > [NetDev]
> >> > Name=br0
> >> > Type=bridge
> >> > # Matches physical network card
> >> > MACAddress=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
> >> >
> >> > Bound the physical ethernet to it like so:
> >> >
> >> > [Match]
> >> > Name=ens3
> >> >
> >> > [Network]
> >> > Bridge=br0
> >> >
> >> > And set up the main IP for the bridge like so:
> >> >
> >> > [Match]
> >> > Name=br0
> >> >
> >> > [Network]
> >> > DNS=...
> >> > DNS=...
> >> > Address=37.x.x.x/22
> >> > Gateway=37.x.x.1
> >> >
> >> > The nspawn containers are added to the bridge via
> >> >
> >> > [Network]
> >> > Bridge=br0
> >> >
> >> > Up until this point everything works. However, configuring networking
> between the host and containers proved quite difficult and I'm unsure
> whether I'm doing something wrong or networkd is.
> >> >
> >> > What I tried was the following, inside the container:
> >> >
> >> > [Match]
> >> > Virtualization=container
> >> > Name=host0
> >> >
> >> > [Address]
> >> > Address=91.x.x.x/32
> >> >
> >> > [Route]
> >> > Gateway=37.x.x.x
> >> > GatewayOnLink=true
> >> >
> >> > However, this did not create any usable routes to the host, nor did
> it throw any errors in the journal. Pinging the host does not work.
> >> >
> >> > Manually creating the routes with ip route did work:
> >> >
> >> > ip r add 37.x.x.x dev host0 onlink
> >> > ip r add default dev host0 via 37.x.x.x
> >> >
> >> > I tried a variety of different combinations of options in the
> .network file, Scope, Type, etc...
> >> >
> >> > The only thing that successfully created any routes was the following:
> >> >
> >> > [Match]
> >> > Virtualization=container
> >> > Name=host0
> >> >
> >> > [Address]
> >> > Address=91.x.x.x/32
> >> > Peer=37.x.x.x/32
> >> >
> >> > [Network]
> >> > Gateway=37.x.x.x
> >> >
> >> > This strikes me as odd because nowhere in the documentation, nor in
> any online searching could I find this described as necessary (beyond the
> manpage mentioning that Peer= exists)
> >> >
> >>
> >> How is your Linux container supposed to know that to reach host
> >> 37.x.x.x it needs to send a packet via interface with address
> >> 91.x.x.x? That is not how Linux routing normally works. You must have
> >> a routing entry that tells kernel how to forward packet and assigning
> >> address 91.x.x.x to your interface does not magically create any route
> >> entry to the network 37.x.x.x. Adding a peer address is one
> >> possibility which does it. Another possibility is creating the
> >> necessary routes manually like you did.
> >>
> >> > On the host side, I thought the bridge device, acting on Layer 2,
> would automatically figure out routes to the containers (via ARP),
> >>
> >> Bridge (physical or virtual) has nothing to do with routing, it is
> >> only using MAC addresses. ARP is used by the kernel to find out the L2
> >> address for the destination L3 address which is on the broadcast
> >> network. It happens way after the routing decision was already made.
> >> So the kernel needs to know that network 37.x.x.x is directly
> >> reachable on the broadcast segment to which the interface is connected
> >> before the kernel even attempts ARP. That is exactly what your "ip r
> >> add 37.x.x.x dev host0 onlink" does. Alternative way is specifying a
> >> peer address which implicitly creates a similar routing entry (and
> >> peer can be the whole network).
> >>
> >> > or that nspawn and networkd would interact in some way to add routes.
> However, this didn't seem to happen, so I also had to add the following to
> the bridge's .network file:
> >> >
> >> > [Route]
> >> > Source=37.x.x.x
> >> > Destination=91.x.x.A
> >> >
> >> > [Route]
> >> > Source=37.x.x.x
> >> > Destination=91.x.x.B
> >> >
> >>
> >> Same as above. Host must know how to forward packets to the addresses
> >> 91.x.x.x and without routing entries nothing will tell the host how to
> >> do it. Routing is bidirectional; a container knowing how to forward
> >> traffic to the host does not automatically imply that the host knows
> >> how to forward traffic to the container.
> >>
> >> > With all of this, everything works fine now. However, since the
> routes, both host-to-container and container-to-host, differ somewhat from
> the old (also working) setup,
> >>
> >> Your working setup must have created the same routing entries because
> >> otherwise it would not work. Care to show your old configuration?
> >>
> >> > and some of the steps necessary I could not find described anywhere,
> I am left wondering if I fundamentally misunderstand something about how
> Linux networking works, or if perhaps networkd is behaving oddly because of
> the IP addresses being considered in different networks.
> >>
> >> You misunderstand how IP networking works. Nothing in your description
> >> is Linux specific.
> >>
> >> >
> >> > I would love to find a conclusive answer to this, especially because
> I want to make sure I understood the fundamental concepts involved
> correctly.

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