On Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 13:29 Nils Kattenbeck <nilskem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Lennart,
> thanks for the information. I finally found out the true cause,
> however, and it's just stupidity on my part.
> While Debian (my mkosi base) does ship systemd-growfs and the man
> pages for all the services, it does not ship the services themselves.
> So I guess that the auto-grow functionality can never be activated.

Even after switching to Fedora (and adding two to the cmdline) the growfs
functionality still does not work. The images are simply generated with
mkosi. Is there any part which I might be missing?

Are there any mechanisms to debug this mechanism? Maybe something with the
generator files? I can also create a minimal example and provide you with
the image, or mkosi files, whichever you prefer if that would help.

Kind regards, Nils


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