> Hi.  There are now two implementations of the mountpoint tool, one it
> util-linux and one in sysvinit, see
> <URL: https://bugs.debian.org/753779 >.
> It seem to fit better with util-linux than with sysvinit, so I suggest
> it is time to drop it from the sysvinit upstream project.  Do you agree?

I think the mountpoint binary has already been phased out. At least so
far as it is not built/installed when running "make" in the sysvinit
source directory. The code is still there for people who specifically
want to use it, but it's not being actively used/installed by default.

Is there any benefit to removing the mountpoint.c file completely?
Keeping in mind some platforms may be using sysvinit outside of the
GNU/Linux ecosystem so I think we should be sure they have their own
mountpoint implementation before we remove ours. Does Hurd or kFreeBSD
run util-linux, for example?

- Jesse

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