Having now seen the way the rule is worded,
it's hard to see how you could interpret it
any way OTHER THAN 'athletes can no longer
allow themselves to be "pulled" out of the
blocks by a false-starting runner next to
them.  They will be DQ'd ALONG WITH the
runner next to them'.

Did U.S. team staff provide an incorrect
interpretation to American sprinters, or
are American sprinters so used to operating
under "American false start rules" that they
refuse to believe what the new rule says?

It sounds pretty clear to me.

And it is also becoming more and more clear
why if most sprinters in the world are
following this rule, and being careful to
not be 'drawn out of the blocks' by a competitor,
we have seen drastically slower times on the
GP circuit this year.

I personally have no problem with that, as long
we can live with existing records staying on the
books for a long time.


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