Arne said the same thing about the USATF. That is a distinction without a
difference. It astounds me just how sick some of these top level athletes are on
a regular basis. We have all those athletes with colds. Now we have an athlete
with asthma AND narcolepsy who apparently gained 17 pounds at age 27. It's a
wonder that some of them can even get out of bed in the morning let alone
perform at a world class level. There is, of course, a more insidious
explanation. Find a drug like this that isn't on the list:

Scroll down that page.

Come up with one of the diseases that it treats. If caught, plead stupidity and
count on getting off on a technicality.

edndana wrote:

>  Martin -
>     First, USATF isn't going to have the decision on her situation - she
> tested positive at an IAAF event.  Even at a U.S. event, USATF would not be
> the ones ruling, it would be USADA.  So, let's save the sarcastic references
> for a time when they are actually relevent.
>  Second, the IAAF said there is an excellent chance that this will be
> treated as doping violation.  Would YOU stay on the team knowing that -
> whether you thought you were innocent or not - the IAAF has suggested you
> probably will be found guilty?  I would hope not.
>   Third, I agree that not telling the IAAF about a substance one is taking
> IS incredibly stupid.  I don't know exactly what they asked her or what she
> said regarding her medications, so I don't think we can castigate her for
> this unless we know the specifics.  A few snippets in press releases do not
> constitute us knowing the facts.
>   This is not to defend her - it sounds like she took a stimulant NOT on the
> list of banned substances.  If the wording of the doping rules are such that
> this is not allowed, then she obviously should be punished.
> - Ed Parrot
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Martin J. Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 5:34 PM
> Subject: Re: t-and-f: Now the spotlight is on Kelli White
> > If she is so confident that she is innocent, why did she withdraw from the
> relay? I, on the other hand,
> > have complete confidence in the USATF and that she will get off on some
> kind of technicality and that
> > not running the relay will, in hindsight, be seen as a mistake. Like Kelly
> Guest, at the very least,
> > she is guilty of incredible stupidity for not telling them about ALL of
> her meds.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > The IAAF is doing the very thing that Dick Pound
> > > is criticizing- letting the athletes continue to
> > > compete during an investigation!!!  Obviously there
> > > is a significant part of the world that doesn't have his
> > > viewpoint, not just the U.S.!
> > >
> >

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