Alan, you were born in 1978 and have never run in a world class competition.
How do you KNOW all of these things?

This is what I think hurts the list and cause it to die back from time to
time -- too many softball players telling us what it is like in the major
leagues.  We saw this when Dwight left, as well as others.

Is it OK for track fans to have opinions? Of course.

Is it OK to share those opinions publicly?  Sure.

Is it OK to jump on the reply button to share that opinion when the subject
comes up on this list?  On occasion when you have something particularly
insightful to add.

Is it OK to share the same opinion ("everything was better in the good old
days when runners weren't cheating" or similar) day after day with a group
of folks that are generally much more experienced and knowledgeable?  No.

I know that you mean well, Alan.  I just don't need to sift through seven or
eight of your messages each day.  As in "real life", I also think the
constant chatter (of which you are not the only guilty party) discourages
input from some of the very sharp folks sitting in the corners.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "alan tobin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:43 am
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Lazy Marathoners Before 2002

This is not 1954. HUGE difference in training between now and then. HUGE
difference in tracks between now and then. HUGE difference between mindset
between now and then.


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