Richard, don't take it personally, Malmo said pretty much the same things
to me recently when I had the audacity to call him out from behind his
veil of b.s.  I'm guessing you've received a few f-bombs and cute little
insults in private messages?  And I'm sure I'll receive a few more after
this one...

Sorry to further waste the list airwaves with this, but people who make a
habit of talking to others that way should be held accountable.  The more
who know Malmo's true colors, hopefully the less likely he'll be to show


--- Richard McCann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 02:46 PM 10/16/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I'm sure there has been error in my posts - but very rare - and
> certainly 
> >never a diliberate attempt at distortion.
> Are you trying to claim that I've deliberately distorted my posts.  I've
> also had a few errors in my posts, and I have the courtesy to admit 
> them.  As to deliberate distortion, I have NEVER done that, and you
> better 
> have pretty strong proof before you make such an outrageous accusation.
> On the other hand, I know that I have told you earlier that I do not
> work 
> for UC and that I am a private consultant, yet you PURPOSELY ignore that
> information and attack me personally as having a biased viewpoint.  It's
> pretty clear who's deliberately distorting information.  I've caught you
> in one case here.  How many other times have you done this?
> >With the lack of intellectual honesty in your opinions about your
> hobby, I 
> >don't see how Californias energy policy will ever improve.
> I'm sorry that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you by using 
> reasoned, logical argument and empirical proof that you seem to largely
> be incapable of comprehending is intellectually dishonest.  I think you
> might 
> want to look in the mirror before you look very far for that type of 
> intellectual dishonesty.
> If you understood the wide range of clients that I work with, and the 
> absolute necessity for me to have an intellectually consistent position 
> that can withstand litigation scrutiny, you'd realize that I have to be 
> completely honest intellectually, and that my positions must be derived 
> from first principles, rather than jingoistic knee-jerk responses.
> At 02:53 PM 10/16/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Easy, Richard. I'm just pointing out your affinity for embellishment so
> >that you might be more aware of it and spare us of it. I actually like
> you.
> One mistake is embellishment?  Certainly no one has questioned the other
> facts that I've presented in this thread.  Broad generalizations without
> factual support qualify as embellishments.
> >I'm not attacking the messenger, I'm attacking the messenger's method. 
> >Call me selfish for wanting debate to have real boundaries and wanting
> you 
> >to respect them, if you want.
> No, the post clearly attacks me personally as biased.  I see absolutely 
> nothing that discusses my method.  I also don't see any thing about 
> establishing boundaries.  I only see an attempt to undermine my personal
> credibility by trying to portray me as racist.  It's pretty obvious.
> RMc

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