When I taught introductory physics classes at Ohio State I would sometimes put track & field related questions on tests. Questions like: If a sprinter takes 3.6 seconds to cover the first 30 meters of a race, what is his average acceleration? If he has a mass of 70 kg, what average force is he exerting against the track? Or: If a hammer thrower throws a hammer 80 meters and the initial angle of the hammer with respect to the ground was 37 degrees, what was its initial velocity? Ignore air resistance and the height of the hammer at release. The hammer is is a 7.26 kg [I assumed all the weight of the hammer was in the ball] metal sphere (head) connected by a wire to a handle and is spun in a circular arc before being released by the thrower. If the distance of the head of the hammer from the thrower's center of mass is 2.0 m during the spin, estimate the maximum centripetal force that the thrower must exert.

Wayne T. Armbrust, Ph.D.
Computomarx (TM)
3604 Grant Ct.
Columbia MO 65203-5800 USA
(573) 445-6675 (voice & FAX)
"Know the difference between right and wrong...
Always give your best effort...
Treat others the way you'd like to be treated..."
- Coach Bill Sudeck (1926-2000)

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