Malmo wrote:

>Wow, that's pretty tough for a nine year old. Would require a little
>research on the internet.
>I still haven't found one student of exercise physiology who could tell
>me how many milligrams of lactate is 4.0 millimoles/liter. So much for
>"advanced science."

And Matthew Harber replied:

> ~ 360 mg/L
> Your search is over, I'll bet you sleep better tonight.

Unfortunately, it's ~356 mg/L.  The formula weight of 90.08 includes
the dissociated proton.  But then I might not be considered a student
of exercise physiology.


        Jason Blank                          Hopkins Marine Station
Enloe HS '92, Duke '96, Stanford ??            Oceanview Boulevard
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     Pacific Grove, CA 93950

"The United States alone treats health care as a commodity distributed
  according to the ability to pay, rather than as a social service to be
   distributed according to medical need." -- The Physicians' Working
    Group for Single-Payer National Health Insurance

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