Question #2's results seem rather contradictory to 3 and 4.


--- Randy Treadway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is conducting an internet poll right now (go there and you can
> vote too).
> The results might surprise you.
> Here's where it stands right now:
> 1) Were you surprised when you heard that four NFL players tested
> positive for the steroid THG?
> 95.3% No
> 4.7% Yes
> 2) What best describes the four Raiders who tested positive for THG?
> 63.8% The tip of the iceberg
> 32.5% A sign of moderate steroid use in the NFL
> 3.8% An isolated situation
> 3) What percentage of NFL players do you think use illegal
> performance-enchancing drugs?
> 36.0% 21-40
> 28.1% 41-60
> 20.3% 0-20
> 12.4% 61-80
> 3.2% 81-100
> 4) What percentage of Major League Baseball players do you think use
> illegal performance-enchancing drugs?
> 34.6% 21-40
> 28.6% 41-60
> 18.3% 0-20
> 14.2% 61-80
> 4.3% 81-100
> 5) How would you describe MLB's steroid policy?
> 43.7% A complete joke
> 32.9% A weak effort
> 20.4% A sensible start
> 3.0% An intrusion into players' private behavior
> 6) Barry Bonds' trainer is a target of the grand jury looking into the
> steroid THG. Do you believe Bonds has used steroids?
> 86.1% Yes
> 13.9% No
> 7) If an athlete is found to have used steroids, what should happen to
> his or her records?
> 42.6% They should have an asterisk next to them.
> 30.5% They should be left alone.
> 26.8% They should be erased from the books.
> 8) In which sport do allegations of steroid use cause you the most
> concern?
> 39.9% Olympic sports
> 38.4% Baseball
> 17.3% Football
> 4.5% None of the above -- steroid use is OK.
> 9) If your favorite athlete were found to be using steroids, what would
> you want to see happen?
> 41.2% He or she is suspended for a long period of time.
> 38.8% He or she is suspended for a short period of time.
> 10.7% He or she remains eligible to compete.
> 9.2% He or she is permanently suspended.
> Total Votes: 21,639 

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