Boulder's sister city, Eugene (part of the "Tie-dyed Triangle" - Eugene,
Boulder, Berkeley), has the same mind-set. University professors (of course)
on zoning commissions and planning boards, promoting their vision of a dense
and "vibrant" downtown, while simultaneously railing against "urban sprawl".
Who should conscripted to live in the urban cores of the future? Why you, of
course! The suburbs are reserved for the new, liberal gentry.


PS  It could be argued that Madison is the forth sister, making it the
handle of the "Tie-dyed Dipper"

> This reminds me of Boulder trying to control the population growth of
> the city in the 70's. They passed a Zero Population Growth ordinance
> which spawned the fastest growth and the biggest building boom in the
> history of the city.
> I think that this was a deliberate plan to get the season going. Well
> done!
> Dave Carey wrote:
> >      It is rapidly becoming clear that this request to "hold off on
> > the XC" will generate more postings to the net about XC than if the
> > matter had never been brought up.
> >
> >                                          Dave Carey
> >
> > On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Roger Wolff wrote:
> >
> > > Fellow T&F Fans,
> > >
> > > Please hold off on the XC.  It could be argued that it doesn't
> > > belong on this list at all.  The most important T&F competition
> > > in four years is just around the corner!!
> > >
> > > -Roger
> > >

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