
I leave in one day - computer time is limited.  I will answer what I can.

> race.  That Australian lady must be in such a depression tonight.

Jane Saville most likely single handedly saved the event and a riot.  She
was qouted several times as saying that being dqed was part of the event.
That she was sure the judges were fair and that she would work more on her
technique and would walk next year.

> However, I have a question for the Walkers on the list.  Hopefully, this is not a 
>ridiculous question, but what type of long term effects does the event have on your 
>hips and knees?  I cringe watching it, it looks as though a Walkers joints are going 
>to pop.

Less problems then elite runners and diferent problems - though nothing
special about knees or hips.  Back and Hamsting are most common.  SOme IT
band and lots psoas injuries.
> Also, question to MIke Rohl.  How did the time Michelle put up in the 20k 
> compare to her seasonal best?

Michelle was about 2 minutes off her best time - much less then the trest
of the field wich averaged around 4 minutes slow.  It was a hard course. 
Michelle came in with the 33 fastest time and finished 17th.  She was beat
by one walker who's PR was slower then hers.  She had a nice solid
technical race.   She''l be back next year:)

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