There you have it. Our resident pharmacologist (Buck Jones Ph.D.) says no to
dehydration from Relafin. The admission by Suzy that she may have an anxiety
problem that manifests itself when she is about to be passed seems to be
more plausible. At least she's a competitor!


     RWD: So perhaps it wasn't just the Relafin?
     SFH: I took it before I left for Sydney. It seems like that was the
time I started feeling sluggish. Or it could be it was just a long season,
and I have a history of my last race always being tough on me. It could be
the fatigue, or the dehydration. I think it's a combination of all of them.

     RWD: You collapsed at the Fifth Avenue Mile in New York a few years
     SFH: After that race, I had a bunch of tests done. I've always come
back in great health. My heart is fine. It's not diabetes. We've ruled out
that that could be the case.

     RWD: Other than dehydration and fatigue, do you have any idea what
could be wrong?
     SFH: Those are the main culprits. But if I get in a race and I'm not
feeling 100 percent, it takes away from my confidence. I have 200 meters
left, and my muscles aren't moving the way I want to, and people come up on
me and I panic, and that makes me tighten even more, to where I lose all
function of my body. I remember, with 200 left, really not feeling good at
all, like "I am in deep trouble," and just actually seeing white--which I've
never seen.

     RWD: For the mental aspect, have you thought of seeing a sports
     SFH: Yes. I may have an anxiety problem. That's something we're
checking into.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Monti
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 11:33 AM
> Subject: t-and-f: Suzy Hamilton Interview
> Track Listers,
> Suzy Hamilton's interview with Peter Gambaccini is posted at
> today (12-Oct).  The discussion is devoted to
> her performance at the Sydney Olympics.
> That is all.
> David Monti, Editor and Publisher, Race Results Weekly
> Sponsored by:
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