> If what's good enough for the goose isn't good
> enough for the gander, it's a sure sign of P.C.
> run amuck.
> Now if people say anybody chasing ANYBODY with a
> chainsaw is totally unacceptable, then their
> argument has a sound basis, it's not just P.C.
> garbage, and I will support them 100%.
> RT

Ever play the game CLUE? (God forbid you'd ever let your child play that
game with the morbid theme of murder and all!) There's a reason why none of
the weapons is a chainsaw. A chainsaw makes a very poor murder weapon. It's
heavy, it smokes, it's very loud, it's cumbersome, and even the best ones
are difficult to start; thereby completely removing the element of surprise.
Even if a maniac were get to the point where (s)he could use it, blood would
splatter all over everything! Yuck! It's an inefficient use of technology.
Traditional murder weapons: guns, knives, ligatures, candlesticks, etc...,
have it all over the lowly chainsaw. Chainsaws are very good for cutting up
logs - that's about it.

That's why there never has been and never will be a murder by a
chainsaw-wielding maniac, regardless of what you see in the movies.


> How about abbreviating Angry White Lesbians to A.W.L or something
> thereabouts...gotta say that as a title for a track and field thread, it
> bugs me...maybe if we were all a bunch of homophobic 16 year olds
> it'd be a
> great tag line.
> one nasty caucasian heterosexual,
> Mike Fanelli

Homophobic? This knee-jerk catchword is only used as a subtle invective
towards those with whom the user disagrees. I think that lesbians are fine
people, however, I have no other way of describing "angry, white lesbians"
other than "angry, white lesbians". Get it? You can argue that SOME of the
thirty klieg light media moths (a.k.a. AWL) who demanded a public apology
from Nike are not AWL if you want. Most of them are.

You're confusing my use of AWL with 1994 use of the lexeme ANGRY WHITE MEN,
which was a deliberately false and malicious attack on the voters by the
media for electing a Republican Congressional majority. How this nonsense
ever passed the editing rooms is beyond me?



> images are still somewhat repulsive to most people. I mean, do you have a
> portrait of Freddy Kruger on your wall? While it might be considered good
> business for all the interest the ad garnered, I still found it
> disturbing.
> Some of us can still be in touch with "mainstream pop culture" and also
> manage to hold onto some values.
> JT

Freddy Kruger didn't have a chainsaw, he had long fingernails, which were
really not his weapon of choice. His weapon was the power of the mind -- and

To this day, I shudder in horror everytime I see Gail Devers! Is there
someone I can sue?

"SUE EVERYONE!" - The Jerky Boys



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