
A few issues to deal with.

Andrew Mcdonagh wrote:
>I am not saying your walker might not have deserved it more this year, 

That is the point Andrew. The award is about achievment this year not
career. Career achievements are not germane to this issue/

>He is well respected among all the worlds great track minds, it seems your >just not 
>one of them. 

Try to be less patronizing and provincial.  I happen to have coached
Javelin at the University of Eau Claire and coached one Junior Olympic
Medalist in the event.

Your arguments are invalid because you do not understand that the award is
for the past year and nothing else.

Next. Someone with the initials ACCTC posed:

>Because swimming and walking are not track and field.

It is not a "track & field" award.  It is the IAAF Athlete of the Year
award.  Your argument is invalid because you do not know what the award was

Then ACCTC went on to describe his unfortunate experience with racewalking
which I sympathize with however the facts involved in that incident have
nothing to do with who should have been IAAF Athlete of the Year.
The point is this Jan's Record this year was simply not as good as Robert's
and no one can argue otherwise with out  bringing into the argument outside
issues. Just look at the facts.

Jan One Gold Olympic Record - defeated several times through out the year.

Robert 2 Gold, Olympic Record only male double medalist in any event, a
double win never accomplished before undefeated at both Olympic Distances. 
How can there be any question?

He was robbed by narrow minded individuals. There can't be any other

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