I agree with most of what Bob says.  It would take an investor who can see
the niche is there - as has already happened in other sports of similar

It's unfortunate that there are dozens of people around the world all
working hard on web sites that are destined to probably never to make a
penny, when greater co-operation between them might produce one commercially
successful site.

I agree that charging people to use sites is the way to go, but not before
the internet in general makes the move away from free content.

By the way, if anyone else feels like starting up a t&f site, don't start
from scratch.  Drop me a line - I know one that might be available to be
taken over soon.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Ramsak
To: Conway Hill ; tf list
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Track and Field web sites

While I can't speak directly to the sites Conway mentioned that apparently
no longer exist, I can share a few insights with regards to my own
experiments with "New" media...

There are probably thousands of track and running websites out there, but
the vast majority are little more than hobbies for their respective
webmasters and editors.  The main problem is that a true revenue-generating
model for web-based magazines, news/updates sites etc. has yet to be
created.  Thus, most of these online ventures are of a highly volunteer
nature, launched with the most energetic well-intentioned motives in mind.
But after awhile, it becomes a job in and of itself.  Just finding and
creating links to meet results, then updating webpages can take several
hours per day.  Volunteers burn out, webmasters burn out or graduate from
college, girlfriends accuse you of interacting more with your computer than
with them, proposed or promised ad revenues don't pan out, correspondents
disappear, etc.

Then there's the "instant gratification" aspect generated by the internet
and WWW over the past decade, which has just spoiled us all rotten.  Before,
diehard TF fans were happy with weekly or twice-monthly editions of Track
Newsletter.  Now, we think it's the end of the world if a meet doesn't give
us real time results, quotes and photos.

Member-only sites, or email newsletters will ultimately probably be the best
sources for instant news.  Race Results Weekly is a great example of a
terrific weekly email update on international road racing.  It's complete,
accurate and timely, with a strong network of dedicated and knowledgable
correspondents throughout the world.  I'm sure there are other similar
examples.  But, yes, you have to pay for this service.  Just as you do for
your subscription to T&FN (as do correspondents), or Golf Digest or for
cyberplayboy.com.  Or for your daily newspaper.

Back to work...

--*MONTHLY SELFISH PLUG ALERT*-- By the way, trackprofile.com is currently
being redesigned and reformatted.  If anyone out there is interested in
contributing info and articles, check out
http://www.trackprofile.com/correspondents.html ... Coming sometime this
week -- interviews with Maurice Greene, Kim Collins and Bruny Surin....

|   Bob Ramsak
|   TRACK PROFILE News Service
|   *Images, Features and Coverage of Track & Field, Soccer and Olympic
|    Cleveland, Ohio USA
|  http://www.trackprofile.com

----- Original Message -----
From: Conway Hill
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 12:31 PM
Subject: t-and-f: Track and Field web sites

At the end of the year several individuals listed their "wish lists" for the
new year (2001) ... One of my wishes was that there would be greater access
to information via the net ... With the hope that there would even be a one
stop web site that would link to all major competitive sites/results sites

Over the past couple of weeks as the season has gotten under way I am
finding that instead of getting easier, it may be getting harder to find
information ... At least on the collegiate and elite levels ... While the
high schools seem to be getting better with the likes of dyestat and
california track and runnings new's prep site as well as texas', there seem
to be "fewer" sources for college and elite ...

The sub 10 site is gone ... Just shut down one day ... Same for
TrackandField.com ... A great site that just stopped after the Olympics ...
CNNSI used to have a great Athletics section that one day disappeared with
track stuff now jumbled together with a bunch of other stuff here and there
... ESPN still has its track section with Mike Hollobaugh (sp?), but it is
updated infrequently ... GH and TFN do provide links to 4 or 5 critical
sites each week, but there is so much more going on ... Trackwire has
changed to having important info now in a memberhsip section and I really
don't mind joining if it will help preserve the site and provide good to
great information on the sport ... Sportsserver is there there and reliable
... But is limited too ...

Am I missing something ... Are there sites out there that I am not aware of
??? Was hoping this would be easier in the new millenium ...


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