The list moderator has reprimanded people on here for
repetitive posts, and for posting "I agree" posts, but
failed to take action when specific threats were
posted. Now he lets this go. 

--- Donald Mcfarlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I apologize in advance for responding to such an
> obvious troll, but ...
> SD Cap'n wrote:
> > I wonder if the U of Oregon would be interested in
> knowing that its servers
> > are being used to distribute porn.
> First, the message in question did NOT distribute
> anything except a sequence of letters designating a
> certain internet URL.  Second, the message warned
> you of the content displayed at said URL; why did
> YOU go to that web site, knowing in advance that you
> would be offended?  Third, your definition of "porn"
> seems to include something which is common, legal
> and at worst, offensive mainly to strict puritans. 
> What you call "porn" can be seen every day at
> hundreds of public beaches in America, and most
> throughout the rest of the civilized world.  By your
> definition, I have "porn" in my house every day and
> every night (well, I wish).
> > 
> > I wonder if the readers of T&F News would be
> interested in knowing that its
> > editor endorses porn and its unsolicited
> distribution.
> > 
> > I wonder if Mr. X's wife and family would be
> interested in knowing of his
> > endorsement.
> WHO THE F--- DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!  If ever
> someone needed to be beaten to a bloody pulp for an
> offensive post to this list, it's you.
> > You guys are so shortsighted that you've never
> even considered the possible
> > subscriber who struggles with sexual addictions,
> not to mention the
> > implications of pornography on society
> (particularly in the USA).
> Jerkass.  If you struggle with sexual addictions,
> you should not have internet access.  Read the
> previous sentence about 100 times, you stupid troll.
> Back to the track, please.  With the renewed news
> regarding US high schoolers and the sub 4 minute
> mile, could someone tell me how many times Ryun,
> Danielson, Liquori et al. broke four minutes in HS. 
> Hope everyone gets to a good meet or two this
> weekend.
> Don

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