Just a note that I flew into Eugene on Wednesday
afternoon on the same plane as a few athletes (Chris
Huffins and Paul McMullen, etc).  There were numerous
others buzzing around at the airport that I saw for
the two hours while I was waiting for my luggage to
arrive on the next flight.

On the flip side, the people I am staying with from
Minnesota got stranded in Denver due to a hailstorm. 
They will not arrive until sometime on Thursday.  One
athlete who supposedly is on their flight is 10k Rod
DeHaven, and he runs at 6:54 p.m. Pacific Time on
Thursday night.

I just wonder how many other athletes might also be
stranded in Denver?  

Finally, while waiting at the airport for my bag I saw
one that looked exactly like mine so I went to grab it
from a pile that had been put aside.  I noticed that
the bag had a tag on it to "RUSH" it to the Eugene
airport, so I now felt that I was pretty important
that my bag was marked "URGENT".  Good thing I looked
again at the unguarded bag because it actually 
belongs someone named Marion Jones.  :)

Paul Nisius
Bigfork, MN

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